How Much ROI Do Solar Panels Generate?

Key Takeaways:

  • One of the first things to look for when considering if solar is worth it is the break-even point.

  • This value can depend on regional energy costs, available incentives, and tax credits.

  • With solar panels, you may earn money from selling back the energy to the grid.

  • Solar panels also come with warranties of up to 25 years, so you can be sure your investment will last.

  • Professional roofers understand how to install and maintain systems safely and efficiently.

Solar power has become popular as an efficient, renewable energy source that helps us reduce our carbon footprint and minimize emissions. Additionally, solar can help to lower your utility bills while providing lucrative returns on investment (ROI).

But, with the overwhelming information available, it can be challenging to know exactly how much ROI you’ll get from installing solar panels at your home or business. However, it’s best to contact a professional roofing contractor beforehand to realize your options thoroughly. Let’s discuss the essential details you need to understand about the ROI you could experience from solar.

Are Solar Panels Worth It for Your Roof?

The answer depends on your needs and situation. The cost of installing solar panels can be high, but with the proper understanding of their financial and practical advantages, installing them could be worthwhile in the long run.

When considering if solar is worth it, one of the first things to look for is the break-even point – that’s when you start seeing a return on your investment. This would depend on how much energy your panels generate over their lifetime and the rate you get paid for any excess energy you sell back to the grid. Generally, it takes around five years before you start to see a return from solar, depending on where you live.

Main Reasons Why Solar Panels Are Worth Considering

Financial Benefits

While up-front costs may be high, solar panels can save you costs on energy bills in the long run. Sometimes, you may even earn money from selling back the energy to the grid. Solar panels also come with warranties of up to 25 years, so you can be sure your investment will last.

Check with a professional roofing contractor to ensure the solar panel system is installed correctly. This is essential for maintaining your solar panels and getting the most out of them over their lifetime.

How To Find the Break-Even Point for Solar Panels?

The break-even point is when you have recovered your initial investment from installing solar panels. This can depend on regional energy costs, available incentives, and tax credits. Calculating this cost will help you determine if investing in a solar panel system will be worth it in the long run.

Practical Advantages

Solar energy is free and renewable, meaning you wouldn’t have to worry about running out of fuel or source materials as time passes. Solar panels require minimal maintenance; professional roofers specialize in solar panel maintenance, keeping them in top condition for years to come.

Moreover, solar panels are also very efficient and reliable; they last a long time and rarely require any repairs or adjustments. Solar panels also generate clean energy without producing harmful emissions or pollutants.

Environmentally Friendly.

Installing solar panels helps reduce your environmental impact since it reduces reliance on traditional sources of energy like coal and gas, which produce large amounts of emissions. Solar energy is renewable, clean, and does not produce harmful pollutants.

Here’s some more information about how solar panels benefit the environment.

Weighing In the Costs of Going Solar

Going solar requires a substantial upfront investment, but many financial benefits exist. Solar energy can reduce your energy bill and qualify you for tax credits and other incentives from local and federal governments. Depending on the size of your installation, you could save thousands in energy bills over a few years.

Things To Consider Before Going Solar


Before going solar, you should calculate the total solar panel maintenance, installation, and energy cost. You may also need to factor in government incentives or tax credits before deciding.

Electricity Requirement

You’ll need to consider how much electricity you need and the configuration of your solar system. Depending on the size of your home, it could take more or fewer solar panels to generate enough energy for your requirements.


Your solar system’s efficiency depends on where your property is located. For instance, if it’s too shaded, enough sunlight won’t be available to power the system. Also, climates with more sunshine provide better results than those with less sun exposure.

Weather Conditions

Weather conditions in your area will affect the efficiency of your solar system. Snow and rain can reduce the amount of light available to power your system. At the same time, extreme heat or cold can decrease its performance.

Why Hire a Professional Roofing Contractor for Solar Panel Maintenance


Regarding solar panel maintenance, professional roofers have the expertise and experience required to ensure the best results. They understand how to install and maintain systems safely and efficiently.

Roof Inspection

A professional roofing contractor can inspect your existing roof to ensure it is suitable for solar panel installation. This helps you avoid costly repairs or replacements if you install a solar system on a damaged roof.

Safety First

Professional contractors are trained in safety protocols when installing or maintaining solar panels. They know how to secure the equipment and adequately use the proper safety gear. This ensures your system is installed correctly, so you don’t have any worries about potential accidents or damage.

Maintenance Schedule

Regular maintenance of solar panels is essential to ensure they are working at optimal levels. A professional roofing contractor can provide regular inspections and cleanings to keep your solar system in top shape. They will also be able to monitor and adjust the system’s settings as needed.

Peace Of Mind

When you hire a professional roofing contractor for maintenance, you get peace of mind knowing that someone experienced and knowledgeable is taking care of your investment. This ensures that your solar system functions correctly and maximizes your investment return.

All in all, investing in solar panels is worth it. You get the financial benefits of lower electricity costs and practical benefits, such as increased home value and a more sustainable lifestyle.

Plus, professional roofing contractors can provide regular inspections and maintenance services to keep your solar system running properly for years to come.

Energy Advantage Roofing and Solar offer affordable, reliable, energy-efficient roofing, solar, and window options for your property in Fort Collins, CO.

Get a free estimate today!


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