Does Solar System Productivity Drop During Winter?

Key Takeaways:

  • The sunlight entering the Earth during winter is lower than in summer. As a result, solar panels are less productive during winter.

  • A few things can increase solar panel productivity during winter.

  • One way to increase solar panel productivity during winter is to use a reflective surface. It can be done by placing a sheet of aluminum foil under the solar panel.

  • Another way to increase solar panel productivity during winter is to use a tracking system. Tracking systems follow the sun and keep the solar panels pointed at the sun, which allows them to capture more sunlight.

  • Additionally, using higher-quality solar panels can also help to increase productivity during winter. High-quality solar panels are designed to capture more sunlight, even in low light conditions.

  • Finally, keeping the solar panels clean will also help to increase their productivity during winter.

  • Energy Advantage Roofing and Solar offers roofing and solar solutions to customers in Boulder, CO, and the surrounding areas.

As the temperatures drop with the days getting shorter, many wonder if solar productivity drops during winter. Well, the answer is yes and no. Yes, solar productivity declines a bit during winter, but it’s not as drastic as some think. Energy Advantage Roofing and Solar will discuss some myths about solar productivity during winter and provide facts about current efficiency rates in experimental and market-grade panels. We will also discuss the importance of maintenance for solar panels and how to keep them running at their highest efficiency possible.

Solar Productivity during Winter

The sun’s position in the sky is lower during winter, which means that the sun’s rays hit the Earth at a more oblique angle. The Earth’s atmosphere is also colder during winter, which absorbs less of the sun’s energy.

The daylight hours are also shorter during winter, reducing the amount of solar energy reaching the Earth. Snow and ice cover can also reflect some of the sun’s energy into space, reducing the amount available for solar power production.

All of these factors combine to reduce the amount of solar energy available for solar power production during winter months. Solar power production typically decreases by about 20-30% during winter months in most parts of the world.

Also, read our blog on saving with solar giving your business the energy advantage.

How to Offset the Reduced Solar Productivity during Winter?

There are a few ways to offset the reduced solar productivity during winter, such as using storage methods or more efficient solar panels.

Some areas of the world are better suited for solar power production during winter than others due to their latitude and climate. Solar power production is not entirely reliant on weather conditions, as solar panels can still produce electricity on cloudy days. Despite the challenges, solar power remains a viable option for renewable energy production year-round.

1. Use a Solar Tracker

One way to offset the reduced solar productivity during winter is to use a solar tracker. This device tracks the sun’s movement and adjusts the solar panels’ position accordingly. It allows the solar panels to always be in the optimal position to capture the most sunlight possible. Solar trackers can increase the amount of electricity a solar panel generates by up to 30%.

2. Use High-Efficiency Solar Panels

Another way to offset the reduced solar productivity during winter is to use high-efficiency solar panels. High-efficiency solar panels can convert more of the sunlight they receive into electricity. Even though there is less sunlight during winter, high-efficiency solar panels like our Maxeon panels can still generate significant electricity.

3. Use a Solar Boost Controller

A solar boost controller is a device that helps to increase the output of a solar panel by regulating the voltage. Using a solar boost controller ensures that your solar panel is continuously operating at its peak efficiency, which will help offset the reduced solar productivity during winter.

4. Increase Your Solar Panel Surface Area

One way to offset the reduced solar productivity during winter is to increase your solar panel surface area. It can be done by adding more panels or by using larger panels. Increasing your solar panel surface area allows you to capture more sunlight and generate more electricity, even during winter when less sunlight is available.

5. Use Reflective Materials

Another way to offset the reduced solar productivity during winter is to use reflective materials. Reflective materials can be used in various ways, such as on the surface of the panels or in front of them. By reflecting more sunlight onto the surface of the panels, you will be able to increase the amount of electricity generated.

6. Use an Inverter

An inverter converts direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC). An inverter can increase your solar panel‘s efficiency and offset the reduced solar productivity during winter. Additionally, an inverter can help protect your electrical equipment from damage caused by power surges.

7. Use a Battery Backup System

A battery backup system helps to store excess electricity generated by your solar panel so that it can be used when there is less sunlight available. This stored electricity can then be used to offset the reduced solar productivity during winter. Battery backup systems typically use lead-acid batteries, which are reliable and have a long lifespan but are also heavy and require regular maintenance.

8. Solar Panel Maintenance for Optimal Efficiency

Solar panels are exposed to the elements and can suffer from dirt, dust, bird droppings, and other debris that can reduce their efficiency. Regular cleaning and maintenance of solar panels are essential to ensure they operate at peak efficiency.

Several methods can be used to clean solar panels, including a hose, a brush, or specialized cleaning solutions. It is essential to avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials when cleaning solar panels, as this can damage the panel’s surface and reduce its efficiency.

In addition to regular cleaning, solar panels should also be inspected regularly for signs of damage or wear. If any damage is found, it is crucial to have the panel repaired or replaced as soon as possible to avoid further loss of efficiency.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of solar panels will help to ensure that they are operating at peak efficiency and will maximize the output of your solar power system.

Related: Learn how solar panels can thrive in winter weather.

Need Solar Services in Boulder, CO?

If you live in or around Boulder, Colorado, and are interested in solar services, contact Energy Advantage Roofing and Solar. We specialize in solar systems and roofing solutions and are well-reputed, reliable experts with over five years of experience in the industry. Plus, we offer lifetime warranties on materials, which means that you can trust in our workmanship for as long as you own your home or business. So don’t hesitate to give us a call today and book an appointment. We’ll be happy to answer any questions about our services.


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